lundi 30 mars 2015

How can I parse signed_request from facebook graph api in django 1.7

Facebook sends a POST request to access a custom tab in a page and that request comes with a parameter signed_request which is encoded.

I tried to use this code to decode it:

def base64_url_decode(inp):
padding_factor = (4 - len(inp) % 4) % 4
inp += "="*padding_factor
return base64.b64decode(unicode(inp).translate(dict(zip(map(ord, u'-_'),

def parse_signed_request(signed_request, secret):

l = signed_request.split('.', 2)
encoded_sig = l[0]
payload = l[1]

sig = base64_url_decode(encoded_sig)
data = json.loads(base64_url_decode(payload))

if data.get('algorithm').upper() != 'HMAC-SHA256':
print('Unknown algorithm')
return None
expected_sig =, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()

if sig != expected_sig:
return None
print('valid signed request received..')
return data

It is not working for me. Just returns None.

How to fix this? or is there any other way to decode the signed_request?

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