mardi 31 mars 2015

Facebook4J Facebook API getFeed() returning wrong output

I'm using Facebook4J and last week the Facebook Graph API was updated to version 2.3.0. Some code I wrote before the update doesn't work anymore. I'm trying to get the amount of feeds of a certain page. I've set the max to 250. A week ago it returned about 180, but since the Graph update it always returns 220. But in last week the page didn't post another 40 feeds.

Here you can see the raw code I used to get the amount of feeds of the page. I even tried it with different pages, but everything returns 220.

public static void main(String[] args) throws FacebookException
String name = "pagename";
ResponseList<Post> feeds = facebook.getFeed(name, new Reading().limit(250));

As you can see above, I left out the part of the accesstoken. Does somebody know what the problem is? And why I get a wrong output with exactly thesame code as a week ago?

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