jeudi 16 avril 2015

Delete Posted Share Link on Facebook

I posted a link usint method 'stream.share' and I sucessfully posted a link share on facebook using the code below:

function share(){
var share = {
appId : APP_ID,
method: 'stream.share',
//from: '100000133020924',
permission: 'publish_actions',
u: '<%=pURLFacebook%>'

FB.ui(share, function(response) {
//alert(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(response)); // Pega todas as respostas do Objeto
location.href='painel_integracoes.asp?SESSIONID=<%=Session("cd_carro")%>&tipo-operacao=Facebook&processou=S&codigo_postagem='+ response.object_id

Now I do not know how to delete this. I tried call the graph[1042708035743621]?method=delete&access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN] and tried to delete FB.api (delete) but no success!

The ID of facebook is 1435856163381548

Can you help, please? Regards!

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