dimanche 29 mars 2015

Facebook link share - Something Went Wrong

I checked probably half of results for this problem, and didn't find out any solution. We have page trainers4me.com, and we have problems with Facebook sharing. If we share link on FB and user with Firefox or Internet Explorer tries to click on link he get a message:

Something Went Wrong Sorry, there was a problem with this link: http://ift.tt/1BTZy5u You can now continue to this website, or go back to the page you were on before. Remember: Only follow links from sources you trust.

The problem is that only users with FF and IE gets this error message in Safari and Chrome works just fine.

Well I checked some solutions for this, and all of them are about redirects, CDN. We use www to non-www redirect, cloudfront (CDN), etc.

Checked page with Facebook debugger no errors.

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